Seeing Nature’s Mind | Regenerating Place
Join Us in Seeing with Nature’s Mind and Developing Regenerative Thinking at Spillian Building upon the success of prior workshops together, 7group and Spillian are further developing their partnership this spring by offering two workshops in the Catskills aimed at developing our capacity to practice regeneration.

Join Us in Seeing with Nature’s Mind and Developing Regenerative Thinking at Spillian
Building upon the success of prior workshops together, 7group and Spillian are further developing their partnership this spring by offering two workshops in the Catskills aimed at developing our capacity to practice regeneration. These two workshops are designed to work together, but also can be attended separately. You are invited to join us for one or both (with discounted pricing which will be posted soon). Make sure to save the dates for this unique opportunity.
Seeing with Nature’s Mind:
Problem Evolving for a Living World
28-30 April 2018
“Most of our problems are caused by thinking differently than Nature works.” –Gregory Bateson
Patterns are the language of Life, our original mother tongue. By triangulating the perspectives of traditional tracking (pattern reading), living systems thinking (pattern thinking) and regenerative design (pattern design), we can relearn to see with Nature’s Mind and act as essential members of this living world with essential roles. She is dying for us to play.
Because all living systems follow the same patterns, learning to read them reveals where and how we can contribute to growing their health. We need to learn how to be open observers, clearing the mirror of our minds to see behind the surface to the workings of the life of systems and how to find our place as active participants within them.
This workshop will be useful for designers, artists and practitioners of all sorts, as well as anyone interested in awareness and seeing the world in a different way. It is open to all levels of abilities. Though we will be using our bodies, it will not be overly rigorous and appropriate for all physical abilities. Exercises exploring the patterns in our bodies, our breath, the landscape and our minds will take us from verbal and non-verbal dialog to movement, as well as silent observation, learning visceral ways to experience how living systems work, and how to take our effective places within them.
Developing Regenerative Thinking at Spillian
30 April – 02 May 2018
As Spillian continues a master planning effort aimed at guiding its future evolution, all those interested in learning how to engage regenerative design and development are invited to participate in an extraordinary workshop series facilitated by 7group’s John Boecker and Regenesis colleague Joel Glanzberg at a superb historic Catskills center for creativity and possibility. Join us as we leap into the power of place-sourced imagining.

In order to realize its full potential, the regenerative planning process must build our ableness to think systemically and holistically about whole living systems and our role in transforming those systems. The planning process at Spillian is being conceived as an instrument for developing regenerative thinking among all of us, as members of communities, and is designed to build the capacity and capability of all participants and stakeholders to think regeneratively.
Spillian is a 33 acre historic estate, built by the Fleischmanns Yeast Family in the 1880’s as part of a summer retreat. Crowned by a museum-quality stick style mansion, embraced by the Catskills Forest, it now is the home of a center created to help people imagine past what they think is possible.
Click here for more information, visit or contact John Boecker at