Don’t Forget the Sun – GreenCon 2018
Large expanses of windows do not mean that a space is well daylit. In fact, daylighting in such spaces is often poor resulting in huge lighting contrasts and general discomfort. Properly daylighting your renovation project uses the same method, rules and tools used when designing a new building with a few added items to consider.

Large expanses of windows do not mean that a space is well daylit. In fact, daylighting in such spaces is often poor resulting in huge lighting contrasts and general discomfort.
Properly daylighting your renovation project uses the same method, rules and tools used when designing a new building with a few added items to consider. Join 7group’s Todd Reed at GreenCon on Wednesday, March 14th to learn the method and tools used to provide any project the best quality daylight. This method uses an integrative process that not only leads to meeting the LEEDv4 daylighting credit requirements, but may also contribute to earning the integrative design process credit. Todd has firsthand knowledge of what is needed to meet the LEEDv4 requirements as he contributed to the creation of the daylighting and views credits in LEEDv4. Learn what constitutes good, high quality daylighting and how to achieve it on your next project.
Visit the GreenCon webpage to register for this once a year learning experience in south central Pennsylvania, and join Todd to learn about Daylighting Existing Buildings to meet the LEEDv4 Requirements.