Synthegrative Blog
This "word" synthegrative reflects our approach. It combines real words, synthesis – "a combination of ideas to form a theory or system", and integrative – "serving or intending to unify separate things"; to create a systemic vision of wholes which are greater than the sum of their parts, reminding us that our work in regenerative design must begin with working on whole living systems and not just the parts and pieces. Our synthegrative posts explore the intersection of green building design, regenerative practice and personal development. We will tell our story and the stories we find along the way.

Experience the World in New Ways with Learning the Language of Life
Experience the World in New Ways with Learning the Language of Life A Regenerative Workshop October 12 to 15 | Claycomb Chalets, Champion, PA Those seeking to improve and inspire their lives through nature and experience the world in transformational ways

Registration is LIVE for our Fall 2018 Workshop Near Seven Springs
Learning the Language of Life: A Regenerative Workshop with Joel Glanzberg Claycomb Chalets 114 Claycomb Chalets Lane Champion, PA 15622 (near Seven Springs) 12-15 October 2018 “Most of our problems are caused by thinking differently than Nature works.”

Join Us in Learning the Language of Life
Learning the Language of Life: A Regenerative Workshop with Joel Glanzberg and 7group Claycomb Chalets 114 Claycomb Chalets Lane Champion, PA 15622 (near Seven Springs) 12-15 October 2018 “Most of our problems are caused by thinking differently than Nature works.”

Regenerating Your Community
Every community is entirely unique. Each is distinctive. This work is about exploring, understanding and evolving that distinctiveness, so that members of each community can deepen their understanding of the unique essence of their particular place . . . and to see that essence as the core instrument for developing any community’s quality of life.
How can every project and person involved contribute to the vitality of their unique place?
Let's Engage